Requests to Opt-In for Text Messaging from MediCat are Real

A large number of users have received emails from Berry College Health Services requesting that they opt-in to receive text messages in order to receive timely updates on our COVID19 response.

These emails are real. The sender is, which is why the external email banner was applied to the email. Users who want to receive SMS text messages from the Berry College Health Services office can either click the link in the email, or if you are hesitant to click on the link, you can also simply log into, click on the “Health Center Patient Portal”, then follow the instructions in the email, which were:

    • Click on your name at the top right of the screen
    • Select “EDIT PROFILE”
    • Ensure that there is a cell phone number associated with your account and it is accurate
    • Check the box to receiveĀ  SMS text messaging
    • Click “SAVE”

If you have any questions about this or other suspicious emails, please contact Information Security by emailing, or calling the office during normal working hours at 706-236-1750, or extension 1750.


Featured Image: Photo by Mia Baker on Unsplash


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