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Welp! August is here! Welcome to the end of summer (although the temperatures will not agree with that statement for a while, most likely) and the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester. Some of you will read this well before classes start and others may not see it until after August 26th, so I’ll say “welcome” to those of you who have not read this newsletter before and “welcome back” to those who have.
We’ve crossed the halfway mark for the year, and while the rest is technically “downhill”, it’s probably going to be a rough ride. Welcome to July! I know, we’re in week two and all of the festivities of the Fourth are over. I hope everyone had a great time relaxing in whatever way made you happy.
Welcome to nearly the end of June! I hope everyone is adjusting well to the summer temperatures. The newsletter has taken a back seat to a number of other initiatives in process and will be brief and to the point. As we approach the end of our fiscal year, there are many irons in the fire for everyone. I have two interesting points to make about phishing emails (what else?), a reminder about proper email hygiene, and a question about cybersecurity awareness training frequency and duration.
Welcome to the summer months at Berry! Graduation is past us, as are the busy weeks before and after it. This is why you are just now seeing this newsletter at the midpoint of the month. I knew no one had time to read this while everything else was happening. On the topic of things that are NOT happening anymore, that would be Spring 2024 Cybersecurity Awareness Training.
Hello, faithful (or first-time) reader! Welcome to the April information security newsletter. While I generally post these the first Monday of the month, this newsletter has been delayed for a number of reasons.
Life likes to throw us curve balls every now and then. Some people believe this is something that makes life interesting, but I am not really in that camp. I can’t say the lack of a February newsletter was actually the result of a curve ball; it was more like a slow sinker.
Welcome to a new semester and a new year! I hope this newsletter finds you settling in for an exciting season of learning, educating and working. We have a number of topics to cover, but they are pretty straightforward so this shouldn’t be a long newsletter, but be sure to read to the end for all of the new changes, important information, and suggestions on how to work, learn, and operate on the Internet more securely.