CAM 2024 VSH Week 3

Welcome to Week 3 of the CAM 2024 Virtual Scavenger Hunt

To continue, simply find and supply answers to the questions below and submit the form. Your entry will be registered, you’ll get an email confirming your entry and reminding you of your answers, and you will be eligible for the weekly drawing.

The email will explain how to advance to week 4 once the final week’s page is available, which will be at 8:00 AM on Monday, October 28th.

    OK, here are the questions for week 3 of the 2024 CAM Virtual Scavenger Hunt!

    BJ Fogg, PhD, is a renowned behavioral scientist whose model of human behavior can be leveraged in the world of security awareness. According to BJ's model, which is explained in detail at, behavior happens when three elements all come together at the same moment. According to the website, the model can be summarized with the simple equation B=MAP. What does the letter M denote in the equation?

    The National Cybersecurity Alliance, who sponsors Cybersecurity Awareness Month, has a website. On that site, a June 6th, 2023 article about software updates provides how many easy-to-remember tips to keep in mind about updates to software and operating systems? Use the the number as your answer.

    Still in the software update article from the previous question, the last tip they provide is to turn checking for software updates into a _______

    The last question is again from the software update article. Tip number two states you should always and only get software and updates from verified sources. This means you should only download apps for your mobile device, from the __________ app store

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