Why Do I Need a Password Manager?

How many sites and services do you log into on a regular basis? Take a moment to think about everywhere you put in a username (usually your email address, but not always) and a password. At work, on social media…

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“Urgent Request” emails are fraudulent

Emails purporting to be from Tom Kennedy asking a single word question “Available?” are fraudulent. Some items to note in these emails. The sending address is “tkennedy.berry.edu@my.com” – clever, but definitely NOT from a Berry account. The signature is in…

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Service Update Messages from “office-365” are fake

Messages claiming your “office-365” email is “out of date” and asking you to click on a link to confirm it and prevent deactivation are fake. They will address you in the greeting with your email username and be signed “Microsoft…

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February News from Information Security

It’s February already! Classes are in full swing and Spring Break can’t get here fast enough! This month we are focusing on good use and management of social networks and social media. The content below is based on information provided by…

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Data Privacy Day is Monday, January 28th!

Come by the Information Security table in Krannert on Monday, January 28th for goodies and information about data privacy. The table will be available from 11:00AM until 1:00PM in the Krannert lobby. Hope to see you there! If you missed…

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“Urgent Action Required” Emails are Fraudulent

Many users are receiving emails with the subject of “Urgent Action Required”. These emails are fraudulent. The content of the email suggests there is a problem with their account and incoming emails will be “placed on hold”. Various methods are…

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Employee Audit/Review Emails are Fraudulent

The end of the year saw a rash of fraudulent emails arrive on campus suggesting that an employee review or audit document was attached to them. The subjects varied from “Employee Audits” to “Employee Review” to “Employee Performance Appraisal”. These…

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