Tag: Attempt to Steal Credentials

This is an attempt to usernames, passwords or other private information

Service Update Messages from “office-365” are fake

Messages claiming your “office-365” email is “out of date” and asking you to click on a link to confirm it and prevent deactivation are fake. They will address you in the greeting with your email username and be signed “Microsoft…

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“Urgent Action Required” Emails are Fraudulent

Many users are receiving emails with the subject of “Urgent Action Required”. These emails are fraudulent. The content of the email suggests there is a problem with their account and incoming emails will be “placed on hold”. Various methods are…

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Urgent (job) opportunities are fraudulent

A large number of emails have been received by faculty, staff and students announcing an urgent (job) opportunity. The full text of the email is below, minus the web link that either is serving malware to visitors, or is simply…

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Job “opportunities” from Kimble Group

Emails purporting to inform the recipient of available jobs related to their field or interests from a company called “Kimble Group” appear to be suspect. The emails are generally poorly worded, include incorrect grammar, incorrect personal information (wrong names), and…

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Fake “undelivered email” notification

A common phishing email that is seen here at Berry and elsewhere is a notification that the recipient has a random number of undelivered emails, usually since a certain date. Sometimes the emails are described as unique in some way,…

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Fake email from the college president

A phishing email that appeared to come from President Briggs was widely circulated earlier this week. OIT responded to the issue as quickly as possible, but if you opened this email and clicked on the attachment, please contact the Technical…

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