Tag: Phishing

This is a phishing email

March News From Information Security

With Spring Break coming next week, I wanted to get this out to everyone this week, but I have been slow on the execution of that goal. Spring Break! Yes, we are already there, with the six week plunge to the end of classes coming immediately after. I’m sure everyone probably needs to catch their breath. I only have a couple of things to share this month, so this newsletter will be brief.

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February News From Information Security

I want to start our discussion with an examination of a different type of security, or safety, if you want to be pedantic about the topic. I’m referring to the various mechanisms in your vehicle to keep you safe. Modern automobiles have all kinds of safety technology in them to keep passengers safe. Strong, resilient frames, crumple zones, automatic braking systems and the like all contribute to the protection of the occupants. The most basic of these is the seat belt.

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November News from Information Security

Well, this has never happened before. This is the fifth year we’ve had a virtual scavenger hunt for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but the first year that NO ONE completed it. I’m positive there are a myriad number of factors contributing to this outcome.

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Cybersecurity Awareness Month Week 4 – Recognize and Report Phishing

No Cybersecurity Awareness Month would be complete without a discussion of phishing emails. Everyone needs to know how to spot these attacks and what to do with them once you suspect an email of being “phishy”. The task of spotting…

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August News from Information Security

Welp! August is here! Welcome to the end of summer (although the temperatures will not agree with that statement for a while, most likely) and the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester. Some of you will read this well before classes start and others may not see it until after August 26th, so I’ll say “welcome” to those of you who have not read this newsletter before and “welcome back” to those who have.

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June News from Information Security

Welcome to nearly the end of June! I hope everyone is adjusting well to the summer temperatures. The newsletter has taken a back seat to a number of other initiatives in process and will be brief and to the point. As we approach the end of our fiscal year, there are many irons in the fire for everyone. I have two interesting points to make about phishing emails (what else?), a reminder about proper email hygiene, and a question about cybersecurity awareness training frequency and duration.

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April News from Information Security

Hello, faithful (or first-time) reader! Welcome to the April information security newsletter. While I generally post these the first Monday of the month, this newsletter has been delayed for a number of reasons.

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