Category: Newsletter
Welcome to the new year and new semester! I hope everyone’s holiday time was good, restful, and productive. With the spring semester here, the work begins anew in 2025. What better way to kick off the new year (cybersecurity-wise) than to celebrate Data Privacy Week? Data Privacy Week is January 27-31 this year. Look for a bonus article during that week addressing data privacy.
Welcome to December! The featured image is just a little wishful thinking showing our snowfall from seven years ago. This last month of the year and semester is already well along, this being the second week as you read this (or later). This newsletter will be short and to the point. We have two topics to discuss and we’ll cover them quickly, as I know everyone is busy. The first topic is international travel and how the college will handle this moving forward. You probably already guessed the second topic – cybersecurity awareness training. The deadline is now extended – please complete this as soon as possible.
Well, this has never happened before. This is the fifth year we’ve had a virtual scavenger hunt for Cybersecurity Awareness Month, but the first year that NO ONE completed it. I’m positive there are a myriad number of factors contributing to this outcome.
It’s time to put October into overdrive! We’ve already experienced Mountain Day. I hope it was fun and safe for everyone. We have Fall Break coming, but today, we start the celebration of Cybersecurity Awareness Month. What does that entail? Almost four full weeks (not counting November 1st) of opportunities to raise the level of cybersecurity awareness of the community.
Welcome to September! Classes are well underway, as are other activities like sports, clubs, jobs, and old routines (or maybe brand new ones). This new academic year brings us new challenges and new resources to face those challenges. The Office of Information Technology (OIT) is continually working to improve our defenses against cyber-attackers and I want to explain the ramifications of some of these improvements as they may impact your user experience.
Welp! August is here! Welcome to the end of summer (although the temperatures will not agree with that statement for a while, most likely) and the beginning of the Fall 2024 semester. Some of you will read this well before classes start and others may not see it until after August 26th, so I’ll say “welcome” to those of you who have not read this newsletter before and “welcome back” to those who have.
We’ve crossed the halfway mark for the year, and while the rest is technically “downhill”, it’s probably going to be a rough ride. Welcome to July! I know, we’re in week two and all of the festivities of the Fourth are over. I hope everyone had a great time relaxing in whatever way made you happy.