Tag: Security Enhancement

July News from Information Security

We’ve crossed the halfway mark for the year, and while the rest is technically “downhill”, it’s probably going to be a rough ride. Welcome to July! I know, we’re in week two and all of the festivities of the Fourth are over. I hope everyone had a great time relaxing in whatever way made you happy.

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April News from Information Security

Hello, faithful (or first-time) reader! Welcome to the April information security newsletter. While I generally post these the first Monday of the month, this newsletter has been delayed for a number of reasons.

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August News from Information Security

We’ve arrived. The last month of summer. It doesn’t mean the heat is going away any time soon, just that classes are starting, and the campus has welcomed a new freshman class and returning students. I am sure the fall semester holds opportunity and adventure for all of us. I wish you all good health, good grades, and good fun as we begin the journey together. This newsletter is intended to present useful and timely information to the college community, and this month is no exception.

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July News from Information Security

First, I’d like to make it crystal clear…crystal…clear…there are NO FREE PIANOS!

Welcome to the July newsletter and welcome to July. This newsletter comes at a time that I hope is better than last week, as I suspect that half of you were on vacation, and the other half were wishing you were, so I assumed no one would read it then. You definitely should continue reading now, as there are a number of topics I need to get in front of everyone.

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June News from Information Security

June is here and all of the “specialness” we experience every June is headed our way. SOAR sessions, campus updates, technology updates, and more are in progress. All of the things that we don’t do during the two main semesters are now in full swing.

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May News from Information Security

Yes, it is almost the end of May…June will be here before some of you read this, but it was important to go ahead and send out a much delayed May newsletter. This will be a somewhat short, but to the point newsletter.

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December News from Information Security

Welcome to the much-delayed December newsletter. I realize this newsletter finds most of you in the throes of the end of the semester, whether that is taking final exams, administering final exams, dealing with grades, stressed students, or stressed professors, or just realizing that December has arrived and the semester and everything about it wraps up in days. Then you all get to consider more personal tasks and endeavors. It doesn’t slow down any time soon. I’m sorry. But, here is the December newsletter. Please take a few minutes to read through it. I have only two topics and neither of them will take a great amount of time to look over.

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