Post V-Day Scavenger Hunt Stage 3

Welcome to stage 3, the final stage of the Berry College Post V-Day 2021 Virtual Scavenger Hunt!

Remember – you only have to participate once to be eligible for the drawing for the “runner-up” prizes being held at noon on Friday!

To participate, simply find and fill in the answers to the questions below and submit the form. Your entry will be registered, you’ll get an email confirming your entry reminding you of your answers and explaining how to get to the completion page to register for the grand prize drawing being held at noon on Friday.

    OK, here are the questions for stage 3 of the hunt! This is the last set of questions! Good luck!

    Password managers are great and the Office of Information Technology encourages everyone to use one, but what if you don't trust your passwords with anyone, even the password manager publisher? The Quick Info page about password managers on the InfoSec News and Alerts site mentions what to do if you have a trust issue, or are afraid that someone might guess your master password.  This technique is called ___________ your password. It involves adding a word to the beginning or end (or middle) of the stored password.

    Since you got to this stage of the VSH, you found out in the previous stage that an alternative to password managers is a program called "LessPass". LessPass does not store any passwords. Instead, according to an article on the website Make Use Of ( it uses a _____ ________, a piece of code that always returns the same output when given the same input to generate passwords.

    Even if you use a password manager, you still have to come up with one strong, but memorable password. How do you do that? The same Make Use Of site ( from the question above has an article about how to make make up "secure and memorable" passwords. How many different methods do they present? Please answer with a number:

    Phishing is the number one way attackers penetrate into organizations, so being able to spot them is something everyone should learn how to do. The InfoSec News and Alerts site has a Quick Info page on spotting phishing emails. How many tips are listed on the page?

    Featured Image: Photo by Nicolò mandelli on Unsplash

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