Author: Dan Boyd

Director of Information Security with the Office of Information Technology at Berry College

January News from Information Security

Happy, happy new year! (Yes, I put “happy” in twice, on purpose, both for effect and positive emoting)

I hope everyone had a great holiday time, were able to relax as they saw fit, and are ready for the new year and a new semester. We have challenges this semester, but we’re moving forward, looking ahead, and have so much headed our way.

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Gravatar Data “Scraped” From Site

“Interwebs”, should be aware that data, including your email address, real name and username have been “scraped” from the site using a technique published by a security researcher. Of the 167 million accounts scraped, 114 million have had their hashed (sort of like encrypted) email address cracked and distributed within the hacking community. While no passwords for the site were captured, you must realize that this information is “out there” and could be used to attempt to manipulate you into compromising related accounts.

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December News from Information Security

and most everyone’s bank account is trying to recover from Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals. As we move into this season of searching for the best deals, figuring out how to purchase them all, waiting for packages to arrive and being very busy, let’s all remember that to cyber-criminals, scammers, phishers and the like, this season means something very different to them than it does to us.

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November News from Information Security

Welcome to November! The end of the semester is vaguely in sight, but we have Thanksgiving coming before that happens. I hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween weekend, avoided eating too much candy, and are ready for the time to change this coming weekend. Yep, it’s coming…

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Everfi Emails are Required Training

If you receive an email from Everfi claiming you have a new assignment, this is a valid email notifying you of required Title IX training. This was explained in an email sent October 13th from Wayne Phipps in Human Resources….

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October News from Information Security

I hope everyone is settled in and ready to take on the rest of the semester. I just want to take a few minutes of your time to welcome you to Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CAM) once again. This is the seventh year that Berry has participated in this international event aimed to remind everyone that cybersecurity is now an important part of our everyday life. Email, streaming services, phones, social media, Internet of Things devices, and even just Internet connectivity all require that we are informed, aware and responsive to the threats to our accounts, devices, and lives.

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September News from Information Security

It is now September and believe it or not, all of you students are already expected to have just fallen into a rhythm and be moving along with the flow of classes and work. If you are not at this point, don’t worry…fake it until you make it! You’ll eventually figure out the balance of the three “S” components of college life as a student – studies, socializing and sleep. For those who are not students, welcome back to the school year, the time when you get to continue doing everything you were already doing AND have students back in classes, LifeWorks positions, and all over campus. Keep smiling everyone, even behind your masks. Real smiles really do show in the eyes, too.

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