Tag: Training
As April arrives, we can see the end of the semester approaching rapidly, maybe too rapidly for some. I hope everyone is able to navigate these final weeks of the spring semester with success and alacrity. As always, new cybersecurity threats, mostly similar to the old ones, but with updated themes, continue to crop up. This newsletter will briefly discuss one of these threats in particular (with a bonus factoid) and give a report on how our first campus-wide cybersecurity awareness training course is proceeding. Finally, we’ll take a deeper dive into passwords, password managers, and multi-factor authentication.
March! Yay! March! The third month of the year has begun, and it will be busy, as we have reached the midpoint of the semester, and can now look forward to spring break, warmer weather, and the end of the semester. This is not to say that we don’t have plenty of challenges ahead of us.
Instead of “being down with O.P.P.” as a jarring, offensive attitude and phrase, we’re going to say that “being down with O.P.P”, other people’s PRIVACY, is something to strive for. So how do we become “down with O.P.P.” in this new and much better sense?
Happy, happy new year! (Yes, I put “happy” in twice, on purpose, both for effect and positive emoting)
I hope everyone had a great holiday time, were able to relax as they saw fit, and are ready for the new year and a new semester. We have challenges this semester, but we’re moving forward, looking ahead, and have so much headed our way.
Welcome to November! The end of the semester is vaguely in sight, but we have Thanksgiving coming before that happens. I hope everyone enjoyed the Halloween weekend, avoided eating too much candy, and are ready for the time to change this coming weekend. Yep, it’s coming…
If you receive an email from Everfi claiming you have a new assignment, this is a valid email notifying you of required Title IX training. This was explained in an email sent October 13th from Wayne Phipps in Human Resources….
I hope everyone is settled in and ready to take on the rest of the semester. I just want to take a few minutes of your time to welcome you to Cybersecurity Awareness Month (CAM) once again. This is the seventh year that Berry has participated in this international event aimed to remind everyone that cybersecurity is now an important part of our everyday life. Email, streaming services, phones, social media, Internet of Things devices, and even just Internet connectivity all require that we are informed, aware and responsive to the threats to our accounts, devices, and lives.